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Главная » 2017 » Июнь » 17 » ВАЖНО!!! Изменения в процессе авторизации в системе Дневник.ру
ВАЖНО!!! Изменения в процессе авторизации в системе Дневник.ру

Теперь в электронный дневник учащегося Дневник.ру можно войти по логину и паролю от портала госуслуг gosuslugi.ru.

До 1 июля 2017 года доступны как традиционный способ авторизации, так и новый - с помощью логина и пароля от портала госуслуг gosuslugi.ru. После указанной даты традиционный способ будет отключен.

Узнайте подробнее - https://vk.com/egov29?w=page-42990777_52991330

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3 ArarIroks  
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2 wowGena  

1 WilliamDen  
Begin with the introduction. The introduction is usually a very important part of an essay-perhaps some of the most important-because it orients your reader and explains your argument. <>0 - To the earliest draft, however, really don't agonize over it. You just want to begin crafting. The introduction doesn’t will have to be perfect around the initially draft, since it is possible to come back again and edit it later. Get something down, and it will help you move confidently forward.
While you are pressed for time, don't worry too a whole lot about producing a creative introduction--just try to put in writing a particular that could be clear and focused. If you should have time left within the finish, it's possible to come again and try to improve it.
A rather simple but effective plan is to make sure that your introduction states your essay's thesis, and gives an overview of what the subsequent paragraphs or sections will discuss. Your outline will help you do this. A effortless version of this would seem something like "In this essay, I will to begin with describe X, before moving on to Y and Z. Then, I will explain the relationship around X,Y, and Z, demonstrating that <insert>thesis statement here - ."

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